Valenciaport publications focus on port, sea, transport and logistics subjects, from various viewpoints such as the economic, the environment, business, etc.

You can download the following publications in electronic format free of charge:

Other reports

1. Annual Reports

Consult the last published annual report and those of previous years.

2. Statistical Yearbook

Greenhouse Gas Report (GEI)

Environmental Report and Environmental Statement

The Port Authority of Valencia, conscious of the importance of the environment within a sustainable transport strategy, has assumed the commitment, as part its environmental policy, to publish periodic reports describing the actions taken in this area.

The objectives of these are the following:

  • To display to society the PAV’s commitment to respect for the environment.
  • To reflect the actions carried out annually at the Ports of Valencia, Sagunto and Gandía in relation to environmental issues.

We make the following environmental reports available:

Environmental publications

In addition, the Port Authority of Valencia dedicates part of its publications programme to environmental subjects, improvement and the promotion of environmental awareness. Some of these publications may be downloaded for free whereas others must be purchased through CEDIPORT, with contact information provided below.

Guías de Buenas prácticas ambientales:

Good Environmental Practice Guides:

If you are interested in acquiring any of these publications that are not downloadable free of charge, please contact CEDIPORT at the following address:

Edificio APV – Fase III
Avda. Muelle del Turia, s/n – 46024 Valencia (España)
Teléfono: +34 96 393 94 05
Fax: +34 96 393 95 91
E-mail:[email protected]​​​​​​​​​​​