Police operation against bathing in the historic basin of the Port of València

Accompanied by the Policia Nacional and the Guardia Civil, a team from the Port Police has coordinated an operation whose main objective is to inform of the prohibition of bathing in port waters València, 25 July 2024.- The inner dock of the València Marina is an enclave that stands out for the beauty of its …

Valenciaport improves in the Red Sea, the Baltic and Australia

València, 23 July 2024.- Red Sea, Baltic States and Australia. These are the destinations that have registered the greatest increases in traffic during the first half of 2024 with Valenciaport. Between January and June, the volume of containers exchanged between the Valencian docks and the main ports of the Red Sea grew by +65%; with …

UNCTAD training workshop concludes at Valenciaport

The Port Authority of València has hosted at its headquarters from July 1 until today the workshop ‘Training of trainers. Course on modern port management’  Representatives of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Puertos del Estado, the Port Authority of Las Palmas and Valenciaport have closed the …

Advanced port surveillance: 5G, augmented reality and autonomous drones

The Port Authority of València, the Valenciaport Foundation, the Polytechnic University of València, Telefónica and the technology companies XRF and ETRAIR test the most advanced technology in security in the restricted airspace of the Valencian precinct  During the demonstration of the IMAGINE-B5G project, two alleged security emergency cases have been managed in the Valencian docks …