Port Authorities are assigned two functions in relation to Aid to Navigation, in accordance with the current Recast Text of the Law on State-owned Ports and the Merchant Navy, approved by Chapter II of the Royal Legislative Decree [5th September 2011] (from now on TRLPEMM):
- The installation and maintenance of signalling, beaconage and other aids to navigation that serves to approach and access the vessel to the port or ports that they manage, as well as the interior beaconage of common areas. This installation is considered a general service the Port Authority provides (section 26 q and 106 TRLPEMM).
- Inspect the operation of maritime signals, its control, and the installation and maintenance corresponding to third parties (articles 26 m) and 137.4 TRLPEMM).
Inspecting maritime signals is, in practice, one of the most important ways of ensuring the effectiveness of the aids to navigation established to facilitate maritime traffic and, therefore, safety at sea.
In order to carry out this task, the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), along with the recommendations of the State-owned Ports Public Body (OPPE), has drawn up this Inspection Plan, which will be revised when circumstances do require