Since the beginning of May 2020, the Port Authority of Valencia (from now on PAV) has begun to send notifications of settlements and invoices by electronic means through the Notific@ platform to those parties who are obliged to use these means. These notifications are available in the Citizen’s Folder of the Administration’s General Access Point, and in the Enabled Electronic Address (DEH). It will be understood that the interested party has been notified for the first one of them when accessing platforms.
All of this is to fully comply with the regulations established in Act 39/2015 [1st October] on the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations, in which Section 14.2 sets that “In any case, at least the following subjects shall be obliged to relate through electronic means with the Public Administrations to carry out any procedure of an administrative procedure:
- Legal persons.
- Entities without legal personality.
- People who carry out a professional activity that requires membership in a professional association for the procedures and actions they carry out with the Public Administration. In any case, this group shall include notaries and property and commercial registrars.
- Individuals who represent an individual that is obligated to interact electronically with the Administration.
Similarly, Section 41.1 of the Act establishes that “notifications shall preferably be made by electronic means and always when the interested party is obliged to receive them by this means”.
To access or obtain more information, please follow the following link:
On the other hand, and independently, the Port Authority of Valencia has made the SICYP service (Web Information Service for Customers and Suppliers) available to its customers and suppliers. It is a free tool where users can consult at any time of the day the information related to their accounting movements (invoices, payments, guarantees, payments, bonds, and etcetera). This service is exclusively for consultation and not a means of notification of documents.
The address for accessing the service, which also contains the conditions of accession to this service, is as follows: information services for customers and suppliers.