The Services Directives are derived from Act 48/2003 on the improvement and efficiency of processes and as referential elements for state-promoted rebates on port tariffs linked to increasing the quality of services being provided. Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011 made advances in this area, changing and extending the regulations while maintaining the same focus.
The Service Directive establishes the level of service a customer can expect (quality characteristics of the service) and the aspects that must be checked so as to ensure compliance with said characteristics. Certification aims to ensure the quality of services provided based on the characteristics of the service established specifically for each of the services, meaning that the certifying body checks whether the services conform to the characteristics established in the Service Directive before issuing the certification or corresponding mark.
- Shipping Company Service Quality reference standard
- Container Traffic Service Quality reference standard
- Conventional General Cargo Traffic Service Quality reference standard
- Solid and Liquid Bulk Cargo Traffic Service Quality reference standard
- Ro-Ro Cargo Traffic Service Quality reference standard
- Vehicle Cargo Traffic Service Quality reference standard
- Cruiser Traffic Service Quality reference standard
- Criteria for the application of Service Quality reference standards for handling multi-purpose cargoes
- Pilotage Service Quality reference standard
- Tugboat Service Quality reference standard
- Berthing and Unberthing Service Quality reference standard
- Vessel-Generated Waste Reception Service Quality reference standard
- List of Certifiers by reference standard