Port services

Section 108 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011 establishes that port services are service providing activities required for port operations, intended to enable operations related to maritime traffic feasible and safe, efficient, regular, continuous and available to all within the sphere of the territories managed by Port Authorities
The following services are considered to be port services:
a) Technical-Nautical services:
Pilotage service.
Port tugboats service.
Mooring and unmooring service.
b) Passenger services, which include: passenger embarkation and disembarkation, loading and unloading service for passenger baggage and vehicles.
c) Vessel-generated waste collection service which include: the activities of collection of waste generated by vessels as regulated by the Annexes I, IV, V o VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78), as set out in the article 132 of the Spanish Legislative Royal Decree 2/2011 under which the recast text of the Spanish Law on State-Owned Ports and the Merchant Navy was passed.
d) Cargo handling services, which comprise cargo loading and unloading, stevedoring, shipping transit and goods in transhipment.
Port services regulations:
- Specific regulations for pilotage service – Port of Sagunto
- Specific Regulations for port tugboats basic port service
- New tugboat service tariffs
- Specific regulations for passenger embarking and disembarking basic port service
- Specific regulations for loading and unloading passenger baggage and vehicles basic port service
- Specific regulations for loading, stevedoring, unloading and goods in transhipment by Ro-Ro operation basic port service
- Specific regulations for loading, stevedoring, unloading and goods in transhipment port basic service – Port of Gandia
- Specific regulations for loading, stevedoring, unloading and goods in transhipment basic port service at the Multi-Purpose Terminal – Port of Sagunto
- Specific regulations for pilotage service – Port of Valencia.
- Specific regulations for mooring and unmooring port service – Port of Valencia.
- Specific regulations for mooring and unmooring port service – Port of Sagunto.
- Specific regulations for mooring and unmooring port service – Port of Gandia.
- Specific regulations for pilotage service – Port of Gandia.
- Resolution of the Director General of the Port Authority of Valencia approving the Procedure for the Recognition and Application of Berthing Guarantees at the Public Container Terminal owned by TCV Stevedoring Company, S.A., commercially known as APM Terminal Valencia.
Commercial Services
Section 138 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011 establishes that commercial services are service providing activities of a commercial nature, which are not classed as port service per se, but are linked to port activities.
Commercial services specific regulations
- Specific regulations for the provision of the commercial service for vessel provisioning, at the ports managed by the Port Authority of Valencia
- Specific regulations for the provision of supply commercial service of drinking water to vessels
- Specific regulations for the provision of drinking water supply service to vessel at the Port of Sagunto
- Specific regulations for the provision of supply service of fuel, lubricating oil and bulk gas to vessels using tanker trucks at the Ports of Valencia, Sagunto and Gandía
- Specific regulations for the provision of supply service of fuel to vessels using tanker or barge at the Ports of Valencia, Sagunto and Gandia
- Specific regulations for the provision of commercial service of waste collection regulated by the MARPOL 73/78 Convention, not included in the port service of vessel-generated waste collection, and residues and spills of goods transported by vessels
- Specific terms and conditions for the provision of a commercial collection and transport service for waste not regulated under the Marpol 73/78 Convention
- Specific regulations for the provision of the commercial service for loading and unloading vehicles on railways, at ports managed by the Port Authority of Valencia
- Amendment and adaptation to Spanish Law 39/2015 of the Specific Terms and Conditions for the development of road transport activities in the Port of Valencia.
- Application form to request, modify or renew a generic authorisation for the provision of the land road container transport activity – Port of Valencia.
- Specific regulations for the provision of land road transport activity – Port of Valencia
- Modificación y adecuación a la Ley 39/2015 del Pliego de Condiciones Particulares para el desarrollo de la actividad de transporte por carretera en el Puerto de Valencia
- Formulario de solicitud, modificación o renovación de una Autorización Genérica para el desarrollo de la actividad de transporte terrestre de contenedores en el Puerto de Valencia. Anexos I, II y III
Other documents
- Procedimiento trabajos subacuáticos en la Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia
- Plan for the collection and handling of vessel-generated waste at the ports managed by the Port Authority of Valencia (2024) -User Guide-
- Resolution of the General Manager of the Port Authority of Valencia approving the procedure to acknowledge and apply berthing guarantees at the Public Container Terminal operated by Noatum Ports Valenciana S.A.U.
- Resolution of the General Manager of the Port Authority of Valencia approving the procedure to assign berthing and its communication coordination at the Public Container Terminal operated by Noatum Ports Valenciana S.A.U.
- Port and comercial service providers.
Shipping agents
- Specific conditions for the provision of commercial shipping agent services in the Ports of Valencia, Sagunto and Gandía.
- Annex I. Application / Renewal Template.
- Annex II. Bank Guarantee Template.
- Annex II. Surety Insurance Template.
- Annex III. Template of applicant’s declaration that they are not the subject of a public procurement ban.
- Annex IV. Template of application for inclusion in the shipping agent company register.
- Annex V. SEPA Direct Debit Mandate
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact:
Port services providers register
Should you have any queries about the requirements to register as a shipping agent, please do not hesitate to contact: