The CEOE brings together the heads of environment of its regional confederations at the Port of València

València, 18 October 2024.-The Port of València hosted the latest meeting of the Coordination Forum of territorial organisations on the environment of the CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations). The group, made up of 17 experts in environmental matters from both regional organisations and the CEOE, chose the Port of València with the aim of …

Valenciaport awards the contract for the construction of the ST1 electrical substation at the Port of Valencia

València, 25 September 2024.-The Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) has today awarded the construction works of the ST1 electrical substation in the Port of València for 13,901,013.94 euros (VAT included) to the UTE de Lantania S.A.U. and S.T.M. Alta Tensión S.A.U. This award allows the construction of an electrical substation in the Port of València …

The solar energy generated by Valenciaport saves the emission of more than 100 tonnes of CO2 in seven months

València, 11 September 2024.- Valenciaport’s solar power generation facilities have been working at full capacity during the summer months. From their start-up at the beginning of the year until July, in addition to generating a higher production than initially planned, they have enabled the emission of 106.78 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere to be …

1,500 people visit the exhibition on Valenciaport’s ecological achievements and challenges

The exhibition ‘Destination: 0 emissions’ has been visited by 1,508 people during the week it has been open to the public in the Clock Building to show the contribution and actions being developed by port companies in environmental matters València, 11 June 2024.- A total of 1,508 people in one week. This has been the …

Valenciaport incorporates furniture made from abandoned marine nets

València, 7 June 2024.- Remains of fishing nets lost at sea have returned to the Port of Valencia converted into chairs and tables; into tangible elements of daily use that are already being used in the Clock Building to develop workshops with children and adults in the exhibitions that the Port Authority organises throughout the …

The electrical connection of the ships means ‘a five-fold increase the installed power in the ports’

València, 5 June 2024.- ‘Green behaviour has become a tool for competitiveness, a zero carbon footprint is increasingly demanded in port activity’. This is how Manuel Arana, Director of Planning and Development of Puertos del Estado, introduced the conference on decarbonisation promoted by Valenciaport which was held this morning in the Clock Building. In it, …

Valenciaport collaborates with Oceanide Club de Buceo in the cleaning of the seabed and the Cabanyal beach

València, 4 June 2024.- Valenciaport is celebrating Environment Week with an agenda full of activities: an exhibition on decarbonisation in the Clock Building with daily environmental workshops for schoolchildren (both until 9 June), a conference on ‘Actions linked to zero emissions in port companies’ (5 June) and collaboration with an initiative focused on cleaning the …

The port community showcases its environmental achievements and challenges in the Clock Building

València, 30 May 2024.- The environment as a transversal axis of port activity. This is the common thread of the activities programmed by the Port Authority of València (PAV) for the celebration of Environment Week. Under the name ‘Destination 0% Emissions’, from 1 to 9 June, the Clock Building is hosting an exhibition, open and …

Valenciaport participates in the 3rd International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy

València, 24 May 2024.- Valenciaport has participated in the III International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy – MARLICE 2024, held in the Veles e Vents building in the city of València, from 22 to 24 May 2024. Specifically, the participation of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) has focused on the session ‘Tourism …

Valenciaport participates in a European project to promote the use of renewable energy for self-consumption in the port

The Port Authority of València continues its commitment to innovation and renewable energies by joining the European initiative RENEWPORT Within the framework of this initiative, the Port of València is installing innovative renewable energy generation systems for self-consumption València, 2 May 2024.- The European project RENEWPORT (Harnessing RENEWable energy potential for clean energy transition of …