A delegation from the Mexican state of Yucatán visits the Port of València

The Governor of the State of Yucatan, Joaquín Diaz, together with the Secretary of Economy and Labour, Emilio Barrera, and the Undersecretary of Investment, Economic Development and Financing, Roger Góngora, have visited today the facilities of the Port of València accompanied by a delegation of institutional and business representatives of the Mexican state. They also …

The PAV Board of Directors acknowledges the work of the port community to mitigate the effects of the cut-off low

The members of the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of València (PAV) meeting today in the Clock Building have thanked the efforts made by the entire port and logistics community and public institutions last November to ensure the functioning of the supply chain after the passage of the cut-off low. He also highlighted …

One more administrative step to make the North Terminal of the Port of Valencia a reality

València, 26 September 2024.-The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) has taken a further step forward in the administrative process by awarding Terminal Investment Limited (TiL) the administrative concession for the construction and operation of a maritime container terminal open to general traffic in the North Extension of the Port of …

Agreements of the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Valenciaon the València Marina

València, 26 September 2024.- The Board of Directors has approved today – in an ordinary meeting held in the Clock Building – the signing of the agreement between the Port Authority of Valencia and the Valencia City Council. This agreement, approved by the City Council at the ordinary session of its Local Government Board on …

València will host the World Forum of Cities and Logistics Platforms in 2025

València, 14 September 2024.-València will host in 2025 the World Forum of Cities and Logistics Platforms, an international event that brings together representatives of local and regional administrations, governments, cities, companies and academics to discuss the integration of logistics platforms in port and urban development. The designation of València, through the Port Authority for the …

Advanced port surveillance: 5G, augmented reality and autonomous drones

The Port Authority of València, the Valenciaport Foundation, the Polytechnic University of València, Telefónica and the technology companies XRF and ETRAIR test the most advanced technology in security in the restricted airspace of the Valencian precinct  During the demonstration of the IMAGINE-B5G project, two alleged security emergency cases have been managed in the Valencian docks …