Police operation against bathing in the historic basin of the Port of València

Accompanied by the Policia Nacional and the Guardia Civil, a team from the Port Police has coordinated an operation whose main objective is to inform of the prohibition of bathing in port waters València, 25 July 2024.- The inner dock of the València Marina is an enclave that stands out for the beauty of its …

UNCTAD training workshop concludes at Valenciaport

The Port Authority of València has hosted at its headquarters from July 1 until today the workshop ‘Training of trainers. Course on modern port management’  Representatives of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Puertos del Estado, the Port Authority of Las Palmas and Valenciaport have closed the …

The Port Authority of València hosts the opening of IAME Annual Conference

València, 26 June 2024.- 260 registered participants and 115 institutions from 41 different countries. These are the main figures of the IAME 2024 Annual Conference whose inauguration was held at the Port Authority of Valencia this morning.  The Conference was inaugurated by Francesc Sánchez, president of the Valenciaport Foundation; Antonio Torregrosa, director of the Valenciaport …

Sagunto hosts the exhibition ‘Science, Innovation… And a lot of humour’

València, 12 June 2024.- The combination of humour and science is the common thread of the new exhibition that Sagunto is hosting at the Mario Monreal Cultural Centre: ‘Science, Innovation and… a lot of Humour’. Focusing on the informative character that graphic humour is capable of imprinting on complex subjects and concepts such as science …

The Clock Building hosts the exhibition ‘De temor i seda. Les talaies de la costa’

València, 10 April 2024.- The Clock Building hosts from today until April 22 the exhibition ‘De temor i seda. Les talaies de la costa’. The exhibition has been produced by the Demetrio Ribes Chair, a center of the University of Valencia that has been promoting research and dissemination of the history of transport and its …

Aportem launches a membership recruitment campaign in view of the increase in its solidarity action

València, March 26th, 2024.- After the recent meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of Aportem-Puerto Solidario Valencia, the constant increase of the solidarity action of this association has been highlighted. The association is working with more and more people in the area surrounding the Port of Valencia, through more schools and …

El Casal de les Falles

València, 14 March 2024.- The Clock Building was yesterday the ‘Building of the Fallas’. The ‘Building of the Houses of València’ of half the world. For more than two hours, representatives of 42 “Cases i Casals de València” from the American continent and numerous Spanish provinces were interconnected through social networks and the Valenciaport YouTube …