Hugs, feelings and emotion to celebrate the Fallas at the Port of València

València, 9 March 2024.- Coinciding with the arrival of the Fallas 2024, the Port Authority of València (PAV) convenes a photography contest open to citizens, through social networks, in order to pay tribute to one of the three historical moments that collects the exhibition ‘Abraçades en el Port’: the return of thousands of Valencian emigrants …

Valenciaport pays tribute to Women at the Clock Building

València, 8 March 2024.- Valenciaport pays tribute to Women with a new exhibition at the Clock Building. The exhibition ‘Equality and Co-responsibility’, organized by the Permanent Commission for Equality of the Port Authority of València (in which the social part and different departments of the PAV are represented), can be visited until Sunday, March 10th …

Export freight rates from the Port of València continue the downward trend of recent months

This is reflected in the València Containerised Freight Index (VCFI) – which measures the behaviour and evolution of the cost of container transport by sea from the Valencian precinct – which stood at 1,300.19 points in July. It therefore remains at similar levels to the last quarter of 2020  The downward trend in Far East …

Valenciaport is the most ‘transparent’ institution in the state public sector

The latest report of the Council for Transparency and Good Governance (CTBG) states that the Port Authority of València (PAV) has complied with 100% of its obligations in active publicity  The independent Spanish public body that guarantees the right of access to public information has evaluated 81 entities, giving the highest rating to Valenciaport  Among …

Valenciaport joins in the celebrations of Saint Christopher’s Day

Joan Calabuig, president of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), has participated in the commemorative acts of the Valencian Transport Day and has shown his support to some professionals “who are essential for things to reach every home”  València, 11 July de 2023.- Joan Calabuig, president of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), has shown …

Rail freight traffic at Valenciaport grows by 15% so far this year

International trade has not yet found the stability demanded by the market. The world economy continues to be marked by the complex situation of the war in Ukraine and growing inflation, among other factors, and by strong imbalances in trade flows between different areas of the world. This can be seen in the traffic data …

Valenciaport welcomes the new Naval Commander of Valencia

The new Naval Commander of Valencia, Captain Jesús Otero Aldereguía, has visited the facilities of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) where he held a meeting with the president of the PAV, Aurelio Martínez. Also present at the meeting were the general director of the PAV, Francesc Sánchez; the deputy director, Néstor Martínez; the head …

Aportem – Puerto Solidario Valencia increases its collaboration with other social entities

The Association has drawn up new lines of cooperation with Caritas, Red Cross, Levante UD Foundation, Association with Values or Bona Via Network. The general assembly of Aportem-Puerto Solidario Valencia has approved the accounts for the financial year 2021 in the meeting held last April. The meeting also dealt with the latest Corporate Social Responsibility …

Manuel Guerra defends the port-city relationship at the 35th meeting of the Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities (RETE)

The forum, which took place in person and online in the Netherlands, brought together specialists to promote dialogue and cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region Manuel Guerra, deputy chairman of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) has participated in the 35th Meeting of the Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities (RETE) which has been …