- The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of València (PAV) has approved at its meeting today the conditions for the operation of the Alinghi base and the direct award of a surface right over this facility – following the process of project competition and public exhibition – to Lanzadera Emprendedores S.L.U., a company of the entrepreneurial hub of the Marina de Valencia
- The councillors were also informed of the choice of the Port of València as the venue for the 10th World Forum of Cities and Logistics Platforms to be held in the third quarter of 2025
- The meeting approved the budgets corresponding to the Memorandum of Understanding signed with UNCTAD and Puertos del Estado for the financial year 2024
- The PAV Board of Directors has approved the donation -made by AMIMPLAS- of furniture and material for the children’s area that goes together with the different exhibitions held throughout the year in the Clock Building
València, 29 May 2024.- The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of València (PAV), at its meeting today, approved the conditions for the operation of the Alinghi base and the direct award of a surface right on the former base of the Swiss sailing team to Lanzadera Emprendedores, S.L.U., belonging to Marina de Empresas. The approval of this company is granted once the legal period of 30 working days – established by article 137.5 of Law 33/2003, of 3 November, on Public Administration Assets (del Patrimonio de las Administraciones Públicas – LPAP) – has elapsed without the PAV having received any additional application. Therefore, ‘the processing of the application submitted continues’.
Lanzadera Emprendedores requested the direct award of a surface right over the former Alinghi Team Base with the aim of setting up a space dedicated to entrepreneurship and the creation of companies, a project ranging from the training of young entrepreneurs, their integration in entrepreneurial initiatives through comprehensive support for their projects, to, finally, the creation of consolidated companies, born precisely from these initiatives.

The surface right over the former base of the Alinghi America’s Cup team is awarded directly to this company – by virtue of the provisions of article 137.4 letter c) LPAP – as it is intended to carry out a function of general interest, such as the implementation of a project ranging from the training of young entrepreneurs, their integration in entrepreneurial initiatives through the comprehensive support of their projects, and finally, the creation of consolidated companies.
In view of the above, the Board of Directors has resolved:
- Approve the Conditions of Exploitation of a surface right over the former America’s Cup Team Alinghi Base. It is hereby established that the duration of the surface right will be a maximum of 40 years, counted from the date of formalisation of the deed of delivery, with the possibility of extension for a maximum period of 25 additional years, so that the total term of the surface right may not exceed 65 years.
- To grant Lanzadera Emprendedores, S.L.U, a surface right over the former America’s Cup Team Alinghi Base, by means of direct award by virtue of the provisions of article 137.4 letter c) LPAP.
World Forum of Logistics Cities and Platforms
During the meeting, the councillors were also informed of the choice of Valenciaport as the venue for the 10th World Forum of Cities and Logistics Platforms. This forum, which depends on the World Organisation of Cities and Logistics Platforms, will be held in the Port of València in the third quarter of 2025 (after the summer) and will be coordinated with Asociación de Cargadores de España (ACE) and Asociación de Mujeres en Logística y Transporte (MELYT).
The World Organisation of Cities and Logistics Platforms has considered that the forum should be held in Valencia ‘as this Port is an important node for operations from Latin America. In addition, València is part of an important axis of the Mediterranean Corridor and its connections with the Atlantic corridor and the Central Axis in Spain’.
Other business of the PAV Board of Directors:
Progress on the Memorandum of Understanding signed with UNCTAD and Puertos del Estado
The meeting approved the budgets corresponding to the Memorandum of Understanding signed with UNCTAD and Puertos del Estado for the financial year 2024. The APV has been collaborating with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in port training programmes since 2001. Moreover, since 2007, it has been one of the seven ports associated with the Train for Trade programme thanks to the signing of a collaboration agreement.
Thus, Valenciaport trains Spanish-speaking port workers and technicians within the framework of the Train for Trade programme and carries out actions such as technical assistance missions to Latin American countries and the holding of seminars. The Train For Trade programme, which has been running for nearly ten years, aims to help port communities in Latin American countries (in Spanish), in French-speaking countries (in French) and in most Commonwealth countries (in English) to improve the skills of their middle management. Since its inception, hundreds of port professionals have received the training provided.
The Port Authority of València is one of the seven ports associated to this programme together with Ghen Port Company of Belgium, the Port Authority of Gijón, the Port Autonome de Marseille and the Port Autonome de Dunkerque in France, Dublin Port Company of Ireland and the Administraçao dos Portos do Douro e Leixoes of Portugal.
AIMPLAS donation
On another matter, the PAV Board of Directors has approved the donation made by the Association of Plastic and Related Materials Research (AIMPLAS) to the PAV. This donation is part of a collaboration project between AIMPLAS and Plàstic Preciós La Safor to manufacture stools, tables and key rings from marine waste. Specifically, 20 stools and six tables have been given to the children’s space for environmental education in the Clock Building in the city of València, and 200 key rings have been distributed among those attending the environmental education workshops held in the Clock Building as part of Marlice 2024, the 3rd International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, held from 22nd to 24th in València.