València, 7th January 2022.- The Consul General of the Republic of Panama in Valencia, Arline González, has visited the facilities of the Port of Valencia where she held a meeting with the president of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), Aurelio Martínez. The Consul, who has held this post since September of this year, expressed her interest in the sustainability and innovation projects being carried out by Valenciaport.

In addition to the consular representatives, Miguel Garín, Director of International Development of the Valenciaport Foundation, was also present at the meeting. Panama is one of the countries where the Valenciaport Foundation has exported the Master’s Degree in Port Management and Intermodal Transport, a pioneering and unique programme in the sector to prepare professionals in the logistics-port community for the challenges and opportunities.

Valenciaport maintains excellent relations with the Republic of Panama, a strategic country for commercial interests between the Mediterranean and Central America. In fact, the Port of Valencia is a privileged platform for ships on their route from Asia to America due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean, and as a link between the Panamanian country and the European market.