• The exhibition highlights how humour can become a vehicle for the dissemination of science with nearly 200 cartoons inspired by discoveries, research and scientists signed by comedians from more than 30 countries and from different periods
  • The Councillor for Culture of Sagunto City Council, Ana María Quesada, visited the exhibition this morning together with the curator of the exhibition, Ester Medán, the director of the Quevedo Institute of Humour of the University of Alcalá de Henares, Juan García, and the head of the Office of the President of the Port Authority of València, Marta Villalonga
  • Focused on a family audience, ‘Science, Innovation… And a lot of humour’ will be open from 12 June to 25 July at the Mario Monreal Cultural Centre in Sagunto
  • Lukyan, Ortifus, Musa Gomus and Hamid Soufi are some of the cartoonists who bring this exhibition to life

València, 12 June 2024.- The combination of humour and science is the common thread of the new exhibition that Sagunto is hosting at the Mario Monreal Cultural Centre: ‘Science, Innovation and… a lot of Humour’. Focusing on the informative character that graphic humour is capable of imprinting on complex subjects and concepts such as science and innovation, the exhibition uses nearly 200 cartoons signed by cartoonists from more than 30 countries and from different periods that highlight how humour can become a vehicle capable of integrating knowledge and cultural, environmental and social values.

The art historian Ester Medán is the curator of this exhibition – organised by the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) in collaboration with the University of Alcalá and the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humour – which aims to raise awareness of the relevance of graphic humour as a vehicle for explaining science. Medán explained the keys to the exhibition during the inaugural tour today by the Councillor for Culture of Sagunto City Council, Ana María Quesada; the director of the Quevedo Institute of Humour of the University of Alcalá de Henares, Juan García; and the head of the Office of the President of the Port Authority of València, Marta Villalonga.

Science, Innovation and… A lot of Humour’ – in line with the exhibition series on graphic humour that the APV began six years ago – highlights the immaterial value of humour as a channel of scientific communication. An exhibition designed for all audiences that can be visited at the Mario Monreal Cultural Centre, located at Roma Street number 9, from Monday to Saturday between 9 am and 9 pm. A place where you can enjoy and learn science as a family with lots of humour, creativity, images and words in the form of cartoons.

An ingenious journey through Science and Innovation

Lukyan, Ortifus, Musa Gomus and Hamid Soufi are just some of the cartoonists who bring this exhibition to life and who, with their works full of wit, can bring us closer to scientific knowledge through laughter and irony.  But this exhibition also goes a step further and critically shows the precarious situation of science, scientists and researchers and explores the real implications of innovation in the fight against climate change. Humour is an essential part of our culture, and although it uses tools that are the opposite of those used by science, in this exhibition it is used as an ally to show advances and innovations and their implications in our lives in an understandable way, and it is also used as an engine to encourage critical thinking.