The strategies of European institutions and of different ports such as Vigo and Huelva will be analysed
Representatives of three port terminals operating in Valenciaport will explain their zero emission projects
More information and registration for the conference on the website
València, June 2nd, 2021.- The decarbonisation strategies in port areas will be the focus of the World Environment Day seminar organised this Friday by the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) and the Valenciaport Foundation, in a seminar that will be attended by national and international experts from different institutions. This webinar is divided into three tables that will analyse European policies, strategies in different ports and the role of terminals in the fight against climate change.
During this day, some of the actions being carried out by the port community with the aim of achieving zero emissions by 2030 will also be detailed. These projects will allow the ports of the PAV to be almost two decades ahead of the forecasts and recommendations made by the competent international organisations in environmental matters.
Aurelio Martínez, President of the PAV, and Federico Torres, Head of Ecological Transition of the PAVwill oversee opening the conference. In the first session, Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) and Juan Bautista Sánchez-Peñuela, Energy Advisor of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union, will explain the strategies and policies on decarbonisation that are being carried out by the EU within the framework of the European Green Pact. A role that will be fundamental for the recovery of economic activity and sustainable growth.
This will be followed by an overview of the projects being carried out at national level by Puertos del Estado and the port facilities of Valencia, Vigo and Huelva. Obdulio Serrano, from the Sustainability Division of Puertos del Estado, Eva Pérez, director of Promotion of Innovation and Environmental Sustainability of the Valenciaport Foundation, Carlos Botana, head of the Sustainability Department of the Port Authority of Vigo, and Rocío López, head of the Environment Division of the Port Authority of Huelva, will take part in this module.
Finally, Javier Ares, director of the Tepsa Valencia terminal, Inés Picazo, head of Environment and Sustainability at the Sagunto regasification plant, and Sven Valentin, general manager of the MSC terminal in Valencia, will address the specific case of the terminals. Specifically, Javier Ares will address the reduction of emissions at the liquid bulk storage terminal, while Inés Picazo will explain the achievements and challenges in coal management at Saggas. For his part, the general manager of MSC will present the opportunities of terminal electrification.
This initiative enjoys strong support from the port community, which is showing its commitment to the environment daily. More than twenty companies and institutions will actively participate in this event: Amarradores Valencia, APM Terminals, Aportem, Baleària, Boluda, Centro Portuario de Empleo, CSP Spain, Docks Logistic, Fertiberia, Galp, Grupo Torres, Infoport, InterSagunto Terminales, MSC Terminal Valencia, Navarro y Boronad, Noatum Terminal, Saggas, Seroil, Tepsa, Naviera Armas, Transmediterránea, Prácticos de Valencia, Valencia Terminal Europa and Vareser.
More information and registration on the website