The campaign will include messages in up to 8 different languages to reach the whole world.
Valencia, March 30th 2020.- The Port Authority of Valecia (PAV) has promoted the internationalization of the campaign #AlPieDelCañon. It is a solidarity initiative that seeks to promote recognition for both health professionals and the logistics sector that make it possible for the Valenciaport logistics chain to continue operating and, therefore, to ensure that the supply of citizens is guaranteed.
The internationalization of this campaign aims to show the full operation of Valenciaport in the current State of Alarm due to the health emergency derived from COVID-19 since the logistics chain is global. From the PAV, they have begun to show solidarity messages in 8 different languages to reach all continents: English, French, German, Chinese or Arabic, among others. Likewise, solidarity messages have begun to be received from other organizations and institutions of all around the world.
These mini-videos, which last around 60 seconds long, are broadcast through the PAV social networks (Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). The videos are made voluntarily by the professionals themselves through selfies with their mobile phones or with the help of their colleagues. All the material is sent by WhatsApp to the PAV itself to speed up its dissemination by the media and by social networks. Each professional who decides to appear can use the language they consider (Spanish, Valencian, English, German …).
Professionals #AlPieDelCañón
Among these international messages from the #AlPieDelCañon campaign, the one launched by Francesca Antonelli, Marketing Manager of the PAV, addresses the Italian logistics community showing that “like many of my colleagues I am teleworking. The ports of Valencia, Sagunto and Gandia are working at full capacity for all of you. We will get through this COVID-19 emergency. I want to send a greeting to all my colleagues from Italy. We are at your disposal. Lots of strength. ”
Likewise, Nii Komieteh Botchway, a training international consultant in port management in Ghana, wanted to take advantage of the # AlPieDelCañon initiative to send encouragement to the entire logistics community of Valenciaport “Now I am in London because of COVID-19. I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone in this industry and particularly my colleagues in Valencia, Spain and the rest of the world all the best. I encourage you to continue doing what you are doing right now. Stay safe. We will need you when this is all over.”
Likewise, Judith Strohle, from the PAV management department, remembers in German that “we have been working from home in telework mode for several days. First of all I want to thank all those who are currently still working on the “front line” for their work and delivery – because the Port of Valencia still has a lot of traffic and also these days we also receive ships from the Mediterranean area that are diverted from Italy to Spanish ports. I take this moment to wish you all a lot of courage and confidence, we are going to get out of this crisis and I hope that we all learn the lesson: know what is really important and everything that is not.”
For his part, Gabriel Sánchez, assistant to the presidency of the PAV, addresses the English-speaking port community, stating that “other workers and I are working from home so that Valenciaport continues to be a logistics hub for Spain and the international port community. Today two of us have two challenges. One is the coronavirus and the other is to continue keeping the port of Valencia at the service of all”.
It is also planned that other managers of the PAV itself, such as Fátima Zayed, logistics services manager, and agents of the international logistics community such as the CEO of the Seatrade Cruise fair or managers of the University of Puerto del Rosario in Argentina, join this initiative.
Recognition to health professionals
The #AlPieDelCañón campaign is part of the recognition that all logistics workers also dedicate to health professionals and the social-health sector intimes of alarm such as the one we are going through. Their effort and dedication in the first line of combat against COVID-19 have all the support and admiration of the logistics, transport sector and the people and companies that make up the great family of the Port Community of Valenciaport.
In the messages of the #AlPieDelCañón campaign, the Port Authority expresses that “our main function is to attend and deliver to their destinations everything that society is demanding day by day. And so that this supply chain does not fail, stevedores, truckers, pilots, moorings, tugs, port police, maintenance, shipping companies, freight forwarders, customs agents, border inspection services, personnel from the ports of Gandia, Sagunto and Valencia, etc, are at the foot of the Canyon.“
To this end, the elaborated videos show testimonies full of sincerity from the professionals who are at #alpiedelcañón, so that the logistics chain is not interrupted, because the sector is convinced that #westopthisvirustogether #EsteVirusLoParamosUnidos #EsteVirusElParemUnits.