The Levante U.D. sports city in Natzaret will occupy some 95,000 square metres. It is part of the Special Plan for the South Zone 1 of the Port of Valencia whereby the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) is earmarking 230,000 square metres of port land for public use.
This action, together with that of previous years, totals 1,250,000 square metres of port land made available by the Port of Valencia for public use, the largest ever carried out by a Port Authority.
The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) has approved the concession for the construction and operation of the new sports city
The president of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), Aurelio Martínez explained this morning after the meeting of the Board of Directors of Valenciaport that “in total, since the cession in 2013 of land to the city, the Port of Valencia has made 1,250,000 thousand square metres available to the citizens, for citizen use. It is the largest cession made by a port in Spain for urban and citizen use”.
At today’s meeting, the Board of Directors of the PAV authorised the application by LEVANTE NUEVOS DESARROLLOS, S.L. for the granting of an administrative concession for the occupation of public port property for the construction and operation of the new Levante U.D. sports complex in the Port of Valencia. A total of 95,000 square metres are included in the Special Plan of the South Zone 1 of the Port of Valencia or Natzaret Plan in which the APV allocates 230,000 square metres of port land for public use.
This last action, together with the one carried out in previous years, adds up to 1,250,000 square metres of port land that the Port of Valencia has earmarked for public use. This is the largest area of port land that a Port Authority has ever ceded for urban/citizen use.
Natzaret Plan and the new Levante Sports City
The new sports city of Levante U.D. is included in the Special Plan of the South Zone 1 of the Port of Valencia or Nazaret Plan in which the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) allocates 230,000 square metres of port land for public use. Aurelio Martínez has highlighted that this project “will mean a boost to the city-port action in Natzaret, an increase of the activity in the area and the creation of employment. Precisely, the unemployment rate in Natzaret is the main problem, with initiatives like this we are promoting the attraction of companies and activities that will generate jobs”.
The new sports facilities of Levante U.D, according to the basic project presented by the football club, will have seven football pitches, a mini stadium for 2,500 spectators, a social-administrative building that arises from the rehabilitation of the old building of the Benimar School, and a residence for about a hundred players. The Levante U.D. sports city in Nazaret will occupy some 95,000 square metres. The concession of the land belonging to the PAV will be for 35 years, although with the possibility of extending this period for a further fifteen years.
This sports city project is part of the Special Plan for South Zone 1 of the Port of Valencia, which will provide the Nazaret neighbourhood with new green, tertiary and sports spaces, with the location of the Levante UD sports city, an action that will boost the economy of the area and the urban and social regeneration of the neighbourhood. This plan is of great importance for the relationship between the city of Valencia and its port, given that it contemplates the dedication for public use of an area of 230,000 square metres of port land equivalent to more than 40 football pitches.