​​The port of Sagunto has been consolidated as one of the main logistic nodes of Spain for the automobiles traffic.

With a movement of around 150,000 automobiles until October, Sagunto is currently the sixth Port of Spain for this type of traffic, with prospects for short-term growth.

Likewise, the quality of the service offered by the Sagunto enclosure has been endorsed by the Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (ANFAC) which, in its last report, had an overall rating of 4.1 points out of 5. Likewise, this report gave him the highest score in agility of allocation of deposit zones and flexibility of the service. In this sense, the manufacturers value in an excellent way the capacity of adaptation of the port to their needs in terms of schedules and operation days.

The report, which is based on questionnaires made to automobile companies, also considers as highly satisfactory aspects such as the work carried out by the Port Authority of Valencia, which reports its great involvement in the resolution of specific incidents, or the agility that allows its access by road and the allocation of vehicles to the deposit areas, among others.