The exhibition records an attendance average of 1000 visits a

The exhibition, located in the clock building of the port of Valencia, is open to the public until March 3rd from 10:30 to 17 hours every day of the week

València, February 11, 2019.- After just over a month since it was opened to the public, the exhibition “Ortifus, al Mar-inti” has already attended 7,000 visits, a success that reflects the weekends, in which that the sample receives an average of about 1,000 visitors per week. Among them, stand out the numerous groups of tourists, students and other collectives that constantly they go to see the cartoons of the cartoonist and Valencian comedian, Antonio Ortiz Fuster, Ortifus, reunited until March 3rd in the Clock building of the port of Valencia.

The exhibition is open to the public from Monday to Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Curated by the historian Ester Medán, the exhibition brings together more than 300 illustrations by the Valencian artist that show his peculiar reflection of situations in the maritime neighborhoods, their social and environmental commitment and their defense of Valencian culture. Specifically, these are cartoons published in media such as Levante-EMV, La Vanguardia and La Cartelera Turia, promotional media and campaigns of various themes of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the University of Valencia, the València City Council or the Museum of the Artist Fallero, among others.

The exhibition begins with the particular vision of the Valencian cartooner on the maritime neighborhoods. The sea, the beaches, traditions such as the Maritime Holly Week and, especially, the Port of Valencia include this first section of the exhibition where visitors can get into the vision of the main news generated around maritime towns in the media Communication. Specifically, the sample collects illustrations on the quality of beaches, international trade agreements, improvements in port infrastructure or sporting events held in Valencian waters.

In a second part, the exhibition reflects Ortifus commitment to society and the environment. Like the way, through the vignettes, the public can discover the graphic comedian’s vision of problems such as gender inequality, social injustices and problems of environmental sustainability.

The exhibition ends with Ortifus vision of Valencian identity traits. The culture, the language, the traditions or the gastronomy are some of the details that collect the drawings of this humorist in which icons such as the paella, the Tomatina party, the music bands and, of course, those declared are honored. Patrimony of the Humanity like the Court of the Waters, the Muixeranga of Algemesí and the Fallas.

In addition, the sample also reflects the connection of Ortifus with the Fallas world. A relationship that is reflected through its vignettes, texts and ninots (Fallas sculptures) that the illustrator has designed throughout his career for different Fallas. Specifically, the sample shows the sketches of the Falla that in 1988 planted in the Town hall square under the slogan “Ho tenim tot baix, pero…” as well as the four monuments that he has designed for commissions of the special section that have allowed to get important awards in the category of Ingenuity and Jokes.