- Ale-Hop adds its support to the traditional Aportem – Port Solidarity Valencia campaign for the start of the school year
As every year at this time, Aportem – Puerto Solidario Valencia has equipped the children of the Port of Valencia for the start of the new school year. After weeks of analysis of the quantity and type of school material that would be suitable for the children in the area, according to their age and needs, Aportem took charge, as it does every year, of the acquisition and delivery, to a total of 770 children, of the school material requested, including products adapted for disabled pupils.
This year, moreover, the campaign will have a very special complement, as the Ale-Hop chain of shops has thrown its support behind Aportem and its CSR work, donating products to complete a further 987 packs of school material, classified by age, which have been added to those delivered by Aportem in the first few days of September. For the transport of this special Ale-Hop contribution, the altruistic service of Maersk and Toysan Transport was also used.
According to Ale-Hop sources, ‘we always work with the Port of Valencia, which has led us to this collaboration in solidarity with their environment’.
This Aportem – Port Solidarity Valencia campaign will be completed in the coming days, as in previous years, with the purchase and delivery of new clothes and footwear for the children of the Maritime area, according to their sizes and ages. In addition, other diverse collaborations continue, such as the reinforcement of breakfasts and snacks for various schools in the area.
Aportem – Puerto Solidario Valencia, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2023, is an association declared of public utility by the Ministry of the Interior, totally private, made up of associations, institutions, companies and individuals linked to the port sector and the Maritime District of Valencia. Its activities are mainly focused on the area around the Port of Valencia, with special attention to environmental care and children at risk of social exclusion.
Aportem’s enormous work is based on the constant and totally altruistic collaboration of its members: Amarradores del Puerto de Valencia, Amparo Valero Fernández, Arantza Giner, Ateia – Oltra Valencia, Asociación Naviera Valenciana, Aurelio Martínez Estevez, Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia, Boluda Corporación Marítima, Caixa Popular, Cemesa Amarradores Barcelona, Centro Portuario de Empleo Valencia, Colegio Oficial de Agentes de Aduanas, Cobertura Solidaria, CSP Iberian Valencia Terminal, Datisa Forwarders, Docks Logistics Spain, ELTC – Asociación de Empresas de Logística y Transporte de Contenedores, Fundación Balearia Quatre-Illes, Fundación Valenciaport, Grupo Cano Lopera, Grupo Diario – Diario del Puerto, Infoport Valencia, Intermodal Global Logistics, Levante World Cargo, Logística Chema Ballester, Logitren Ferroviaria, MA Abogados, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Montaña Selección – Casa Montaña, MPG Tránsitos, Muñoz & Montañez abogados, Pedro Coca Castaño, Prácticos de Valencia, Propeller Valencia, Salvador Navarro Pradas, Servicios Globales Alonso, Tiba, Transbase Soler, Valencia Terminal Europa, Vimar Brothers y VPI Logística. Además, colaboran con Aportem: APM Terminals, Balearia y MSC Terminal Valencia.