The Clock Building hosted the exhibition ‘La Comunitat de l’humor. Referents gràfics valencians al port’ which showed the work of 19 cartoonists

The exhibition has been visited by locals and national and international tourists who have highlighted the quality of the works on display

The exhibitions on graphic humour organised by Valenciaport have attracted more than 63,000 people

The Clock Building of the Port of Valencia has established itself as a cultural and social reference point open to public use and to the general public

València, February 20th, 2023.- 13,000 people have visited the exhibition ‘La Comunitat de l’humor. Referents gràfics valencians al port’. Residents of Valencia, national and international tourists who have awakened their critical thinking with the acid and biting humour of 19 graphic humorists who, with the help of Valenciaport, have exhibited their work in the Clock Building. The iconic building of the Port of Valencia is already a reference point in the social and cultural life of Valencia, a meeting point open to the public which strengthens the port-city link that the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) is committed to.

The exhibition “La Comunitat de L’Humor” can be visited from 16 December 2022 until 5 February 2023, every day from 11:00 to 18:00 hours. The now traditional exhibition with which the Port of Valencia closes the year and starts a new one with the best humour of renowned illustrators. With this exhibition, there are now five exhibitions with humorists. Peridis, Forges, Ortifus, Quino, to which these 19 creators are added, have enabled more than 63,000 people to enjoy illustration and humour, while at the same time encouraging a critical spirit and reflection in society.

19 creators 190 cartoons

‘La Comunitat de l’humor’ has highlighted the work of 19 Valencian cartoonists through their creations and their critical and scathing view of current affairs, inviting citizens to reflect and think critically. The public enjoyed 190 cartoons by the artists Daniella Martí, Diana Raznovich, E. Hormigós, El Gat Invisible, Enrique, Harca, J. Aldeguer, L. Sánchez, Lalo Kubala, Lamber, Malagón, Manel Gimeno, Ortifus, Quique, Salazar, Sebas, Xipell, Yordi and Zo.

An exhibition that has received a daily average of 245 people, with a large influx on weekends and holidays. The public has been of all ages and nationalities. As it was a collective exhibition, each of the protagonists attracted their own followers, giving visitors the chance to discover the work of other cartoonists. There was also a large presence of groups of young people interested in drawing and comics.

Among the associations that attended were Grupo Mentalia, Nicolau Primitiu School, IES Abastos, Equip L’Andana, Grupo Alegría, IES Balears, Grupo de la Cruz Roja, Grupo Asociación Valenciana de Espina Bífida, Universidad Popular, IES Benlliure de València, Ciclo Superior de Cómic, Proyecto Hombre and Asociación Bonagent.

The recreational area of ‘La Comunitat de l’humor. Referents gràfics valencians al port’ was always very crowded, especially on weekends and holidays, and not only by children. It is worth highlighting the presence of teenagers and adults who have enjoyed the proposed activities and there have been many people who have taken home drawings with the characters taken from the cartoons.

The exhibition was organised by the PAV in collaboration with the University of Alcalá de Henares and the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humour.

Graphic humorists in the Clock Building

With the exhibition ‘La Comunitat de l’humor. Referents gràfics valencians al port’, the Clock Building was transformed, once again, into a point of reflection, which enlivens the critical spirit and reflects the concerns of the citizens, strengthening the port-city link which the PAV is committed to and positioning itself as one of the points of reference of the cultural activity of Valencia.

In recent years, this iconic place has developed a wide range of exhibitions which have mainly dealt with themes related to port activity and which have attracted a large number of visitors.

The “Casal del Port” (as the Clock Building is also known, due to its openness to the organisation of events and exhibitions) has paid tribute to other leading figures in Spanish graphic humour, with exhibitions by Peridis, Forges, Ortifus, Quino and now 19 illustrators working in the Valencian Community.