The aim of this campaign of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) is that “we all have the same possibilities to prevent cancer, live with it and have access to the results of its research”.
Valenciaport joins the Agreement Against Cancer, an initiative of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), to provide a common response to the situation of patients and their needs that have been aggravated by Covid-19. The aim of this action is that “we should all have the same possibilities to avoid cancer, to live with it and to have access to the results of its research. Therefore, it is necessary that we all unite to eliminate the differences in the face of this disease, and this can only be achieved by having an Agreement Against Cancer”.
AECC has launched a collection of signatures to reach this Agreement to respond to the needs of cancer patients and their families, aspiring not only to achieve more visibility, but also to make cancer a priority in national and regional public policies. The detailed manifesto can be accessed and signed at www.acuerdocontraelcancer.com.
Valenciaport will disseminate this AECC campaign through all its digital channels and social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn), as well as sending the information in three languages: Spanish, Valencian and English, to achieve the greatest possible impact and encourage people, companies and institutions to sign the #AcuerdoContraElCancer. The Port Authority of Valencia collaborates through different initiatives with AECC Valencia in its commitment to support this association that works for the good of the community to visualise and tackle a disease that affects a significant part of society.