The results have been obtained from the control cabin installed in the Poniente Quay which is connected to the surveillance network of the Generalitat Valenciana
Of the 91 days analysed, 81% obtained the highest score and the remaining percentage was “good”, according to the Air Quality Control Centre’s rating
The data from the Port of València show better results than other areas of the city such as Pista de Silla, Politècnic, Bulevard Sud or Molí del Sol
The indexes can be consulted on the website of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition
The data from the measurements taken each day in the immission cabin of the Port of Valencia show excellent air quality and a very low level of pollution. This station, included in the Vigilance Network of the Generalitat Valenciana, collects data on different atmospheric pollutants and PM10 particles to control the state of the atmosphere in the port zone.
Specifically, the data from the Port of Valencia station (corresponding to 91 days in the months of September, October and November) which is located in the Muelle de Poniente, show that 81% of the days, a total of 74, the air quality index was “excellent” and on the remaining 19%, 17 days, it was rated “good”. These results are better than other stations located in the city of Valencia. Thus, the cabin of the Port of Valencia (AP MT Ponent) has better records than the stations of Pista de Silla, Politècnic, Bulevard Sud or Molí del Sol, and similar to that of the Centre zone.
Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring and Control Network
The website of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition establishes four categories to qualify the air quality: excellent, good, improvable and deficient. The data is available daily and by time slots at
As the website explains, the Air Quality Indexes are a tool to “inform citizens about the quality of the air we are breathing in a clear and understandable way”. This value is calculated from the data on pollutants obtained from the automatic stations that make up the network of monitoring and control of air pollution. Specifically, to calculate the quality index “five more characteristic atmospheric pollutants are taken into account for which current European regulations have established the maximum permitted immission levels”. These pollutants are: Sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particles smaller than 10 microns (PM10), carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (03).
These records are available in the Valencian Network for the Monitoring and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, an automatic air quality control system that allows knowledge of the immission levels of the area where it is established, both by day and by time bands. The network has stations located in different locations in the Comunitat Valenciana. In the city of Valencia, ten stations located in different parts of the municipality are connected to the network.
New cabins
The Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), through the GREEN C PORTS project which is coordinated by the Valenciaport Foundation, is installing new cabins in the Port of Valencia following the guidelines of the Centre for Environmental Studies for the Mediterranean (CEAM), a foundation of the Valencian Government for research, technological innovation and improvement of the environment. Moreover, this institution is also in charge of the validation of the data registered by the Vigilance Network of the Generalitat.
The objective of the PAV is to reinforce its commitment to sustainability through innovative solutions for the analysis of air quality and to provide information to the port community and to the neighbours of the port in an active and regular manner.