The President of Valenciaport positively values the measures and the rate reductions as prudent in that they are selective, limited in time, in their budget and they consider the autonomy of the ports to apply them.
València, April the 22nd 2020.- The president of the Valencia Port Authority (PAV) Aurelio Martínez considers that the measures approved by the Council of Ministers by royal decree of complementary urgent actions to support the economy and employment in the context of the coronavirus, and which affect the maritime sector, are an example of how Spanish ports put their treasury capacity at the service of companies, exports and citizens. The royal decree of the Government contains the document prepared by State Ports with measures of economic support to companies in the port sector, among which are the reduction in port rates foreseen for several weeks.
“The ports – Aurelio Martínez understands – are going to be able to collaborate with a wide diversity of companies with difficulties caused by the consequences of COVID-19 and are going to generate savings for their users of one hundred million euros. The ports want to collaborate with the port companies with a series of balanced measures that bring together various virtues: on the one hand, these are actions that will not imply a coffee for everyone, because what it is about is treating priority to those companies that provide public services; and to attend singularly what are regular maritime services, seaways, ro-ro transport, ships, container transport, cruises, etc. Not everyone is going through the same difficulties.”
“The measures – Aurelio Martínez has detailed – seem prudent to me, as they are limited in time (while the crisis lasts) and in their amount (they have a maximum ceiling of € 100 million) and access to them will be individualized and by companies, and must be justified on a case-by-case basis. ”
“To all this, we add the good deal of Puertos del Estado in giving autonomy to the different Port Authorities to manage the aid to be granted.”
The president of Valenciaport has made these statements during the webinar to present the Quarterly Economic Environment Report of the Valenciaport Foundation conducted by Dr. Vicente Pallardó, researcher at the Institute of International Economy. A report on this occasion entitled “The coronavirus and its impact on the global economic environment.”
Finally, regarding the revision of the income of the state port system, Aurelio Martínez has concluded affirming that “it is perfectly reasonable for ports to collaborate in such a delicate moment for individuals and for companies. We have to make an effort to the best of our ability, as administrations and so many companies and individuals are doing. We are at the service of the economy; and therefore, adjusting rates to a new reality is the right thing to do. “