Union elections were held on 29, 30 and 31 May in the three ports of the Port Authority of Valencia

The union elections held in the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) on 29, 30 and 31 May have concluded with the following results: (number of representatives that each of the unions will have in the new Works Committee): CCOO, with seven representatives, UGT with four and USO with two representatives respectively.

Pedro Suárez, secretary general of the CCOO-PAV trade union section, has sent a communiqué to all the Port Authority staff in which he explains that “he is grateful for the participation and support received, assuming the responsibility that means having and maintaining the absolute majority of the trade union representation, with the aim of continuing to ensure that the Port Authority staff continues to make progress both in social improvements and in economic retribution”.

For his part, Santos Miguel Castañeda, secretary general of UGT-PAV, has positively valued the support received from the port community and has put in value, “the outstanding participation in the trade union elections 2023. We must take advantage of these lessons to continue building a solid and prosperous trade union future for all APV staff”.

The secretary general of USO-PAV, Mariano Peña, highlighted his positive assessment after the announcement of the results, “we have made progress, so we are grateful for the trust placed by so many colleagues in a union and in people who are going to work hard to meet the needs of all APV staff”.