The exhibition ‘València, Porta al Disseny. Exportaciò dels nostres productes als segles XIX i XX’, has been a great success with an average of 450 visitors a day.
The exhibition included 300 labels of Valencian products such as oranges, liqueurs and wines, with designs from the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.
The quality of the material, the originality of the exhibition and the success of the public has led to the interest of several municipalities in hosting the exhibition.
The Clock Building is once again the cultural epicentre of the Cap i Casal. Valenciaport is already preparing the next exhibition to end the year, dedicated to graphic humour.
The quality of the material, the originality of the creativities, the story behind each label, the photographs illustrating the port’s activity or the information on the products exhibited. And of course, the design of the Valencian entrepreneurs who, from the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, took the leap from the Port of Valencia to conquer the world with our products. The history of design and export has captivated 15,085 people who have visited the exhibition ‘València, Porta al Disseny. Exportació dels nostres productes als segles XIX i XX’.
The exhibition featured 300 labels and posters of oranges, wines, liqueurs and other Valencian products, as well as packaging, bottles and objects from the period. The designs for these labels and posters were an experimental field of design for Valencian artists and lithographers. An exhibition that reflects the creativity of the period and at the same time highlights the entrepreneurial work of Valencian society in taking its products through the Port of Valencia to all corners of the world.
València, Porta al Disseny’ has been organised and carried out by the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), which has acquired many of the materials exhibited in the Clock Building. It has also benefited from the collaboration of private collectors and companies who have lent their labels and posters for this event. With this exhibition, Valenciaport has joined in the celebration of the city of Valencia as World Design Capital 2022, making known the importance that the Port had and has in the export of Valencian products and the designs that accompany them.
The exhibition also included a space for children to learn about the printing techniques used by Valencian designers. In the workshop, which was attended by hundreds of students from schools in the city, the participants used the stencilling technique to print silk paper.
Cultural reference
In recent years, the Port of Valencia has hosted numerous exhibitions such as “Quino. Mafalda y mucho más”, “Imágenes imborrables”, “Plànols, Maquetes i Mestres d’Aixà del Port de València” or “La Dàrsena Històrica del Port de València: Progrés i Modernitat” or “Això és TEU – 5.000.000”, bringing culture closer to the citizens of Valencia. The emblematic Clock Building has become a cultural meeting point for residents and visitors to the city of Valencia, in a commitment by the APV to bring port activity closer and promote art and culture among the citizens.
And to close this year and welcome 2023, Valenciaport is preparing a new exhibition as usual in recent years. On this occasion, it is going to say goodbye to 2022 with a smile thanks to Valencian cartoonists who will join the exhibitions already held on the works of Ortifus, Forges, Peridis and Quino.