The ambassador of Honduras, María Dolores Agüero, has learned first-hand about the operation and functioning of the port precinct.
The environmental projects of the Valenciaport, zero emissions objective were explained.
In the first quarter of the year, 15,000 tonnes of goods were moved between Valenciaport and the Honduran ports, mainly construction materials were exported from València.
The ambassador of Honduras in Spain, María Dolores Agüero, has visited the facilities of the Port of Valencia to learn first-hand about the operation and functioning of the port activity of the main Mediterranean precinct. During the meeting she held with the president of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), Aurelio Martínez, she explained the projects being developed in the Port of Valencia within the framework of the Valenciaport 2030, zero emissions objective in which the entire port community is involved. To this end, 3.2 million euros will be invested in energy efficiency programmes and consumption control systems. A further 15 million will be earmarked for alternative energies and 2.8 million for the implementation of photovoltaic systems.
Along these lines, they also discussed the railway projects that are being developed in the ports of Valencia and Sagunto to promote intermodality, such as the extension of the Muelle Príncipe Felipe rail yard, the reorganisation of the southern area of the port of Valencia, the commitment to Fuente San Luis, the railway access to the port of Sagunto and the investment made by the PAV in the Cantabrian Corridor. Likewise, the railway terminal project that the new North Terminal will have has been put on the table.
They also explained the PAV’s commitment to sustainable growth in order to boost its activity as a mixed port combining export/import with transit container traffic to other ports. The Honduran delegation was headed by the ambassador, María Dolores Agüero, who was accompanied by the minister counsellor of the Embassy, Liza Claudett, and the vice consul of the Honduran consulate in Valencia, Carlos Daniel Hernández.
In the first three months of the year, the Port of València has handled a total of 14,974 tonnes of goods and a thousand containers with Honduras, mainly with Puerto Cortés. Exports of processed construction materials are the main product that has left the docks of Valenciaport, representing a third of the commercial exchanges.